Internal Programmer
Internal Programmer
Thanks tot he segment-oriented internal programmer, even simple systems can carry out complex workflows. The programmer can run at the control system level, as well as after a download in external programmers, such as a rod process control or a Simatic controller.
The process values can be adapted “online” in the current ürpcess and all program changes are made in real time.

System Types
Our control systems are used for the following types of systems:
• Atmospheric chamber furnaces
• Vacuum systems
• Continuous plants
• Plasma systems
• Salt bath facilities
• Special applications

Do not hesitate and ask us, we are at your disposal.
O-C-S-S GmbH
Lindenstraße 9
D-47506 Neukirchen - Vluyn
Telefon +49.2845.94196-0
Fax +49.2845.94196-9